08. Unveiling the Value Chain Analysis for Effective Talent Management
For your business to grow, you need to provide your customers with value or risk losing business to competitors. How do you know if your product or service is providing customer value? It’s not always easy to identify. So here is a solution to this problem, it is the value chain analysis. What is value chain analysis? Value chain analysis is a means of evaluating each of the activities in a company’s value chain to understand where opportunities for improvement lie. Conducting a value chain analysis prompts you to consider how each step adds or subtracts value from your final product or service. This, in turn, can help you realize some form of competitive advantage, such as, Cost reduction, by making each activity in the value chain more efficient and, therefore, less expensive, Product differentiation, by investing more time and resources into activities like research and development, design, or marketing that can help your product stand out. Typically, increasing th...